Liste Private Ingeniører - pi
Alder 27
Arbejdssted Lundbeck Pharma A/S
Uddannelse Master
Retning Pharmaceutical Design and Engineering
Hvem er jeg?
Currently working as an Advanced Business Consultant in the Life Science Advisory and Consulting team at NNIT A/S.
Previous experiences working as a Clinical Data Manager/Biobank Programmer at Lundbeck A/S, internship at the bioanalysis department at Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S. Hands on  experience with immunocapture techniques and LC-MS/MS.
Experienced tutor with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. Skilled in Chemistry, Microsoft Excel, SAS, Analytical Skills, Customer Service, and Strategic Planning.
Hvorfor stiller jeg op?
Jeg ønsker at de privat ansattes forhold bliver et fokusområde i IDA.

Det er de erhvervsaktive medlemmerne, der skal forme IDA politiker.

Private Ingeniører – pi listen har en række mærkesager, som jeg støtter op om. Vi mener at IDA skal arbejde mere for de privat ansatte medlemmer, som udgør størstedelen af IDA’s medlemmer.

Det, som jeg mener IDA kan gøre bedre, er bl.a.:

-      Støtte og styrke det lokale arbejde og arbejde for etablering af nye virksomhedsgrupper.

-      Være garant for, at ingeniørernes løn- og ansættelsesforhold fortsat forbedres.

-      Sikre at IDA’s private ansatte medlemmer får fortsat kompetenceudvikling

 Jeg mener at det var vigtigt at IDA medlemmerne taler med en fælles stemme og at de bedste resultater opnås gennem en fælles indsats. Jeg vil arbejde for at opnå de bedste resultater for privat ansatte ingeniører.

IDA skal have flere lokale og regionale arrangementer, hvor både IDA medlemmer og virksomhedsgrupper kan mødes og dele viden om både teknisk forhold og ansættelse forhold.

IDA skal have fokus på både Fagforeningen, Fagteknikken og det Regionale arbejde

Hvorfor skal man stemme på mig?
En stemme på mig er en stemme til fordel for de privat ansatte.

Jeg ønsker at blive valgt ind i IDA’s Repræsentantskab for at påvirke IDA til at have mere fokus på de privatansattes behov og ønsker. Vi skal have flere privat ansatte IDA medlemmer ind i IDA’s besluttende organer og udvalg for at rette op på den nuværende ubalance i medlems demokratiet.

Der skal ske en forbedring af løn og ansættelsesvilkår ved at IDA i højere grad støtte op om lokal organisering i virksomhedsgruppe samt samarbejde på tværs af virksomheder med få IDA medlemmer.

IDA skal blive meget mere synlig ude på de private arbejdspladser, f.eks. gennem både fagtekniske og fagforenings arrangementer afholdt på virksomhedens adresse, så privatansatte kan nå deltage uden at skulle helt ind til IDA’s lokaliteter.

Who am I?
Currently working as an Advanced Business Consultant in the Life Science Advisory and Consulting team at NNIT A/S.
Previous experiences working as a Clinical Data Manager/Biobank Programmer at Lundbeck A/S, internship at the bioanalysis department at Ferring Pharmaceuticals A/S. Hands on  experience with immunocapture techniques and LC-MS/MS.
Experienced tutor with a demonstrated history of working in the education management industry. Skilled in Chemistry, Microsoft Excel, SAS, Analytical Skills, Customer Service, and Strategic Planning.
Why am I a candidate?
I want the relationship of private employees to be a focus area in IDA. It is the active members who must shape IDA politicians. Private Engineers - the list has a number of key issues that I support. We believe that IDA should work more for the privately employed members, who make up the majority of IDA's members. What I think IDA can do better are, among other things: - Support and strengthen the local work and work for the establishment of new business groups. - Be a guarantor that the engineers' pay and employment conditions continue to improve. - Ensure that IDA's private employees receive continued competence development I believe that it was important that the IDA members speak with one voice and that the best results are achieved through a joint effort. I will work to achieve the best results for privately employed engineers. IDA must have several local and regional events where both IDA members and company groups can meet and share knowledge about both technical matters and employment matters. IDA must focus on both the Trade Union, the Trade Union and the Regional work
Why should you vote for me?
A vote for me is a vote in favor of the private employees. I want to be elected into IDA's Board of Representatives to influence IDA to have more focus on the needs and wishes of private employees. We need to have more privately employed IDA members into IDA's decision-making bodies and committees to correct the current imbalance in member democracy. There must be an improvement in salaries and terms of employment by IDA to a greater extent supporting local organization in company groups as well as cooperation across companies with few IDA members. IDA must become much more visible in the private workplaces, e.g. through both technical and trade union events held at the company's address, so that private employees can participate without having to go all the way to IDA's premises.

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